A message from your MHYP President Jason Hart

  • June 22, 2021
A message from your MHYP President Jason Hart

Hello Everyone,

Thank you for your continued patience during this past year as we navigated a global pandemic in which we had to make adjustments to the organization to make sure we adhered to the guidelines and restrictions on hosting events. I want to say a huge Thank You to our board members, committee leaders, and committee members who have kept this organization moving forward and put on some great events in spite of the challenges we faced during this time. We have some great events coming up and some great new ideas to offer to our members as we continue to evolve and adapt!

We have been working hard to get back into a "normal" networking setting and I am excited to announce that July's social will be hosted by Elevated Seltzer in Arvada! Please keep checking out our Events Page as we continue to add upcoming events as you won't want to miss them!

I hope to see you all at Elevated Seltzer in a few weeks!

All the best,


P.S. If you want to get more involved by joining a committee, please email info@milehighyp.com

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  • New Member Orientation
    Come Learn More About MHYP
    February 11, 2025 – 5:45pm
    Same Location As This Months Social
  • February Social
    Come Network with MHYP at the Salt Water Social
    February 11, 2025 – 6:00pm
    Salt Water Social – Map
  • Project C.U.R.E.
    Come Volunteer with MHYP
    February 15, 2025 – 9:30am
    Project C.U.R.E. International Headquarters – Map
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